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{USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui

We stayed in Lahaina the first half of our trip to Maui and then moved to Wailea (~40 minutes south of Lahaina) for the last few days of our trip. Grand Wailea has just become our favorite hotel in Maui!

It’s luxurious and has a chapel – perfect for weddings and honeymoons. It has an amazing maze of swimming pools – perfect for families and kids. It also houses one of the top 10 spas in the United States – perfect for a relaxing stay for couples!

It is a splurge but was the perfect ending to our stay in Maui!

Hawaii has beautiful sunsets and evening “colors”. We tried capturing the beauty of it while at Grand Wailea. Here are some of our favorite photos in HDR!


Fountain at Grand Wailea

Fountain at Grand Wailea

Chapel at Grand Wailea

The Chapel at Grand Wailea. We saw a wedding take place in the chapel on our last day here.

Adult Pool at Grand Wailea

Grand Wailea has amazing swimming pools and whirlpools. Kids love it! For adults, there’s always the “adults only” pool to enjoy if you don’t want to be disturbed by kids. This is a shot taken at the adults pool.

Whirlpool at the adult pool.

My favorite were the whirlpools scattered all around the pools area. The pools close at 10pm – loved chilling by the whirlpool after dinner till 10pm!

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: To capture these photos, we used the “auto-bracketing” feature on our camera (which captures the same shot multiple times with different exposures) and then generated the image using HDR processing software, Photomatix Pro (it takes the best details from all the shots and combines them into one photo).

To capture all the colors, your camera will need to take in as much light as possible and will require some time to capture even just one shot. Make sure you prop your camera up on a tripod because you need your camera to be as steady as it can be while taking these photos. This will avoid blurring/ghosting when the software combines all the pictures together.



  1. Grand Wailea is perfect for both couples and families with kids!
  2. It is a splurge, so we recommend it for special occasions or towards the end of your trip to Maui.
  3. Capture beautiful evening colors through HDR photos.
  4. Use HDR processing software such as Photomatix Pro and Lightroom to process your photos.
  5. Use a tripod to get steady shots.

What is your favorite hotel in Maui? Do you like taking HDR pictures too? Do share your tips! 

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  1. Gerard ~ GQ trippin
    October 7, 2011 Reply

    You’ve GOT to be kidding me… Unreal!
    Gerard ~ GQ trippin recently posted..Win a TouchPad from G!My Profile

  2. Technosyncratic
    October 7, 2011 Reply

    Dang, looks like the perfect location for some HDR photography. 🙂
    Technosyncratic recently posted..Photo Essay: StonehengeMy Profile

  3. Incredible photos! I could stay there for a while 🙂
    Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Spring is Here!My Profile

  4. {USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui via @idelishTravel

  5. Ellie Wharton ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    {USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui RT: @idelishTravel

  6. Annie - FootTracker October 7, 2011 Reply

    I love the one with the chapel. Looks like another world up there !!
    Annie – FootTracker recently posted..SF (13) Recap : How Weird Street Faire!My Profile

  7. NoVacationRequired ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    Jut the motivation you need to get to Maui – brought to you via @idelishtravel #Travel

  8. Kent
    October 7, 2011 Reply

    The picture of the chapel is out of this world. Hmmm… we may have to rethink our favorite hotel on Maui 🙂
    Kent recently posted..Those Summer DaysMy Profile

  9. Glenn Dixon
    October 7, 2011 Reply

    Your HDR is strong!
    Glenn Dixon recently posted..YellowstoneMy Profile

  10. Sheila Korte ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    {USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui RT: @idelishTravel

  11. Marina K. Villatoro ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    {USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui RT: @idelishTravel

  12. Andrea
    October 7, 2011 Reply

    We stayed in a condo when we went to Maui several years ago but we walked through this hotel after a Luau and thought it was magnificent!

  13. Alexandra ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    Shoutout to @grandwailea Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui via @idelishTravel <gorguous photos!>

  14. Idelish ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    Shoutout to @grandwailea {USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in #Maui #accommodation #hawaii #hdr #luxury #photography #tips

  15. Idelish ( ( October 7, 2011 Reply

    {#USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in #Maui #accommodation #hawaii #hdr #luxury #photography #tips

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