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{USA} Luxurious Grand Wailea in Maui

We stayed in Lahaina the first half of our trip to Maui and then moved to Wailea (~40 minutes south of Lahaina) for the last few days of our trip. Grand Wailea has just become our favorite hotel in Maui!

It’s luxurious and has a chapel – perfect for weddings and honeymoons. It has an amazing maze of swimming pools – perfect for families and kids. It also houses one of the top 10 spas in the United States – perfect for a relaxing stay for couples!

It is a splurge but was the perfect ending to our stay in Maui!

Hawaii has beautiful sunsets and evening “colors”. We tried capturing the beauty of it while at Grand Wailea. Here are some of our favorite photos in HDR!


Fountain at Grand Wailea

Fountain at Grand Wailea

Chapel at Grand Wailea

The Chapel at Grand Wailea. We saw a wedding take place in the chapel on our last day here.

Adult Pool at Grand Wailea

Grand Wailea has amazing swimming pools and whirlpools. Kids love it! For adults, there’s always the “adults only” pool to enjoy if you don’t want to be disturbed by kids. This is a shot taken at the adults pool.

Whirlpool at the adult pool.

My favorite were the whirlpools scattered all around the pools area. The pools close at 10pm – loved chilling by the whirlpool after dinner till 10pm!

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: To capture these photos, we used the “auto-bracketing” feature on our camera (which captures the same shot multiple times with different exposures) and then generated the image using HDR processing software, Photomatix Pro (it takes the best details from all the shots and combines them into one photo).

To capture all the colors, your camera will need to take in as much light as possible and will require some time to capture even just one shot. Make sure you prop your camera up on a tripod because you need your camera to be as steady as it can be while taking these photos. This will avoid blurring/ghosting when the software combines all the pictures together.



  1. Grand Wailea is perfect for both couples and families with kids!
  2. It is a splurge, so we recommend it for special occasions or towards the end of your trip to Maui.
  3. Capture beautiful evening colors through HDR photos.
  4. Use HDR processing software such as Photomatix Pro and Lightroom to process your photos.
  5. Use a tripod to get steady shots.

What is your favorite hotel in Maui? Do you like taking HDR pictures too? Do share your tips! 

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  1. Kris Koeller
    October 17, 2011 Reply

    Great photos. I’ve been to that hotel a few times, but didn’t stay there (just crashed their beach). I would agree its terrific. A wonderful spot. Again, terrific photos.
    Kris Koeller recently posted..On the Beach at Parrot Cay, Turks & CaicosMy Profile

  2. Christina (Jandal Road)
    October 16, 2011 Reply

    Wow, this looks amazing! Hawaii is a very exotic location for me, being from Europe. Looks like a fab hotel to stay in. Thanks also for explaining how you took these pictures!
    Christina (Jandal Road) recently posted..Discovering Vancouver: Dr Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese GardenMy Profile

  3. OurPassportStamps October 15, 2011 Reply

    Aloha! We love the Grand Wailea and your photos captured the beauty of the resort perfectly. They are stunning! Next time you are on Maui and looking for another splurge (if you haven’t done this already) The breakfast buffet at the Four Season next door is fantastic and Lunch or Dinner at Mama’s Fish House in Paia is worth every hard earned dollar! A hui hou!

  4. Jeremy Branham
    October 14, 2011 Reply

    I’ve been by here a few times but never stayed. Maui is so beautiful and this is a fantastic hotel. Love your photos!
    Jeremy Branham recently posted..Weekend travel reading – travel and technology, relationships, airlines, and moreMy Profile

  5. Aussie on the Road
    October 14, 2011 Reply

    I’m so glad you included a photography tip on this one because I was about to beg, plead, and weep until you told me how you managed to capture such vivid colors, haha.

    Amazing shots.
    Aussie on the Road recently posted..Guest Post: Vintage SydneyMy Profile

  6. Nomadic Samuel October 12, 2011 Reply

    These are some stunning HDR shots! I have to admit I’m not always a fan with this technique but you’ve really edited them well 🙂
    Nomadic Samuel recently posted..Machu Picchu | Peru | Part 18 | Travel VideoMy Profile

  7. Jim
    October 12, 2011 Reply

    Very striking pics. I’ll have to see if my camera has same feature. Probably but I wouldn’t have known what it was for.LOL.
    Jim recently posted..YouTube Tuesday: Oct 11, Ray Wylie Hubbard.My Profile

  8. Mark Wiens October 12, 2011 Reply

    I’ve been to Oahu and Kauai, but never to Maui. These photos are more than breathtaking – extremely well done. I would love to start experimenting more with HDR!
    Mark Wiens recently posted..Hidden Treasures at the Local Market in Sanjiang City, Guangxi Province, ChinaMy Profile

  9. Jade
    October 11, 2011 Reply

    I’d love to try this effect on some of our photos! Really cool shots
    Jade recently posted..The Perfect Costa Rica HoneymoonMy Profile

  10. Sailor
    October 11, 2011 Reply

    Wow! The pictures are just amazing!
    Sailor recently posted..Mississippi River Cruises Return in SpringMy Profile

  11. Author

    Glad you like the photos and tips Laurel! Thanks for the compliment. We too were curious when we first saw HDR photos on some photographers’ sites and took time to learn and play with it. We’re still learning so definitely appreciate every feedback we get!
    Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Whale Watching at San Juan IslandsMy Profile

  12. Laurel
    October 11, 2011 Reply

    Gorgeous photos. Thanks for explaining how you got them. I’m always curious how people get such great photos like these.
    Laurel recently posted..Photo Journey to the Munich ResidenzMy Profile

    • Author

      Glad you like the photos and tips Laurel! Thanks for the compliment. We too were curious when we first saw HDR photos on some photographers’ sites and took time to learn and play with it. We’re still learning so definitely appreciate every feedback we get!
      Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Whale Watching at San Juan IslandsMy Profile

  13. Matt Gibson October 11, 2011 Reply

    Looking really good! I’ve been playing around with HDR a lot lately. How do you decide how many f-stops to braket each photo? Does it depend on the range of light in the photo? Or other factors?
    Matt Gibson recently posted..Making Waves in JamaicaMy Profile

    • Author

      Hi Matt,

      Short answer – yeah, I vary it based on available light and the details I want to capture in the scene/photo.

      Long answer…
      If there’s a lot of light, I’ll use 1/3 EV (or anything less than 1 EV) instead of 1 EV (my default f-stop interval) . This will ensure the higher exposure shots are not all overly exposed. In low light, I will tend to use 1 EV or higher in order to increase the exposure of the higher end shots. Also when light is really low, I tend to take more shots with a mid point of higher exposure (e.g 0, +1, +2 instead of -1, 0, +1).

      In certain scenarios when there are moving objects in the photo (e.g. people), I either photoshop out the moving object from the shots, live with the slight ghosting or do pseudo HDR aka single shot HDR (e.g. take one picture then manually increase and decrease the exposure in editing software and save them as separate photos).

      I usually set it to 5 bracketing intervals and in a few instances 9 intervals. Unless you are running low on space or time, then the more intervals the better (this will ensure you capture the full dynamic range of the scene). I’ve heard other photographers taking up to 11 shots.

      Hope this helps!

      Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{Malaysia} Snorkel, Dive and Chill at Redang IslandMy Profile

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