Google+ has just launched their “pages” feature today!
Through Google+ Pages, you can build an identity and community for your brand, share it, promote and measure your user’s interaction on your page. Learn more here.
Accordingly, we have just officially launched our Google+ page for Idelish! Don’t forget to add us to your G+ circles and +1!
Now there’s no reason you are behind on any of our posts with so many ways to follow us. You can follow our tweets on Twitter, like us on Facebook, sign up for our email updates, read our posts through our rss feeds, follow us on StumbleUpon and now you can add us to your circles on Google+!
[twothirds]Creating your own Google+ Page is also very easy. Click on the picture on the right. It’ll take you to https://plus.google.com/pages/create. Follow the instructions there and you’re all set.Another way is to go from your main G+ stream page, look on the bottom of the right panel. There, you’ll see a “Create Google+ Page” link. Click on it, follow the steps and you’re all set! [/twothirds] [onethird_last][/onethird_last]
[twothirds]Another way we know of is to go to our page and then click on “Create Google+ Page” on the left panel. It’ll take you to the same screen, follow the steps and you’re all set![/twothirds] [onethird_last]
Have you created your own G+ page? Feel free to share it with the travel community here!
Don’t forget to add our G+ page to your circles!
Thanks buddy for this info. i have just launched my new site and was searching for how to create g+ page. and man you are on first page 🙂
Thanks for the info! Hoping to connect with you at G+. Here’s my URL:
Mary recently posted..King’s Canyon National Park with kids-
Nice! We’ll add you to our circle on G+!
Jeremy & Shirlene recently posted..{Mexico} Exploring the Underwater World of Cozumel, a Top Scuba Diving Destination
Just created Roamancing’s Google+ Page. Here it is: https://plus.google.com/b/110037285132246076333/110037285132246076333/posts
Look forward to connecting with you there!
~ Emme
Emme Rogers recently posted..#CrossCanada Playlist ~ Ross Neilsen & the Suffering Bastards-
Great! We’ll add you to our circle!
Jeremy & Shirlene recently posted..{Mexico} Exploring the Underwater World of Cozumel, a Top Scuba Diving Destination
Awesome! I’ve been meaning to do this for Roamancing, so thank you for the nudge.
~ Emme
Emme Rogers recently posted..#CrossCanada Playlist ~ Ross Neilsen & the Suffering Bastards -
This is very helpful! I just created my own page. 🙂
Michael Figueiredo recently posted..Top 10: Things To Do in Lisbon, Portugal-
Nice! What is your page URL? We’d love to add you to our circles too!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..Malasadas, a Must Eat in Honolulu, Oahu.
I am yet to create one for my Travel Blog, so Thanks for this post. I should get one too:)
Have a fabulous day:)
Arti recently posted..Photographical Memories from the Himalayas: Snow…-
You definitely should! Don’t forget to add us to your circles and let us know your page URL once you have it up. We’d love to add you to our circle!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..Malasadas, a Must Eat in Honolulu, Oahu.
Think lots of us have been doing these posts. 🙂 We launched our Google+ page early hours of yesterday morning and are looking forward to giving it its own personality. For now, it’s just a bit of randomness until we can BOTH be admins on it! 🙂 Will head over to follow yours now.
You are right 🙂 We too have been discussing how to best utilize the page. Let’s see how things go 🙂 We’ll be sure to follow you too!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Is the Sunrise at Haleakala Worth the Effort of Getting There?
I got one!! Not much content yet tho! Feel free to add!
Sebastian recently posted..Photo of the Week: Take Away in Thessaloniki, Greece-
Nice! Love the videos and pictures you already have there! Added you to our circle. Looking forward to more posts from you!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Local Food, a Hidden Gem Serving the Best Kalua Pork in Maui
Yes, I’ve created a page too: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104126920698856385596/
I just got started, so no real content or pics yet. Please feel free to add it to your circles!!
Renee King recently posted..The Newbie’s Guide to renting a car at the airport-
Nice work! Good job on adding the first 5 scrapbook pictures and the posts introducing us to your “do-follow” blog! We’ve added you to our circle!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Is the Sunrise at Haleakala Worth the Effort of Getting There?
It’s hard to keep up with all the social media updates. I just set up my page and got your page circled up. Here’s mine: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104749448460104618219/posts (Is this even the correct link to share?) Without our names/sites in the URL it makes things a bit confusing…
Mark Wiens recently posted..Cooking Chinese Food at the Yangshuo Cooking School-
I know what you mean. Keeping up with social media takes up at least 1 – 2 hours of our time daily! We see potential in G+ so feel that getting in early on G+ pages is going to benefit us all. Great job on your page – we’ve added you to our circle as well.
We hope they’ll give us vanity URLs soon too!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..Our G+ Page is now Live & How to Create Your Own Google+ page!
yey! thanks for this… now i can create my own G+ page, too 🙂
Gladys recently posted..Seeing Samal Island in New Light-
Glad this is helpful! Looking forward to adding you to our circle! Don’t forget to add us!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Is the Sunrise at Haleakala Worth the Effort of Getting There?
I’m a little embarrassed to say that I have never heard of creating a page in Google + but it sounds interesting. I wonder if it will generate traffic to the blog…
Jan Ross recently posted..Drenched and Exhilarated on The Maid of the Mist-
So far, it hasn’t generated a lot of traffic to our blog yet but we do see potential in it. So giving it a try! Don’t worry – you’re among the majority who has never heard of Google+ Page. It’s a new feature that’s just recently released! Now, you’re among the minority that DOES know what it is 🙂
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{Worldwide} Traditional Foods You Should Try from Around the World
I signed up for Google+ ages ago (it feels like) as a “person”, but I really haven’t gotten on. Maybe I’m just slow to adopt new technologies, lol. If I ever get around to making a page for Technosyncratic, though, you’ll be the first I add. 😉
Christy recently posted..Monthly Travel Costs: October 2011 (Berlin)-
We signed on as a “person” as well a while back and have not been using too much of it as of yet. It has generated some traffic to our blog. Now with Google Pages, we’re going to ramp up promotion of our blog through it. We’ll see how it goes. Do let us know when you get around to create your page!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{USA} Is the Sunrise at Haleakala Worth the Effort of Getting There?
thanks for the heads up guys! i got on plus a while ago, but havent been back since. yet more social media “fun” to be had!
jamie – cloud people adventures recently posted..Border Crossing: Guatemala to Honduras-
Yes – another social media “fun” to keep track of! We have been using G+ for a while and it’s becoming a “Twitter Plus Plus” for us. So we’re giving it a go and see where it takes us. We’re definitely getting connected with more people from the travel community through G+. Glad you started yours! We’ll look for you and add you to our circles!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..{Worldwide} Traditional Foods You Should Try from Around the World